Product Name Quality Quantity
Rosemary Tea Sachet 2g Natural 2.00 Ea
Lemongrass Tea Sachet 2g Natural 2.00 Ea
Thyme Tea Sachet 2g Natural 2.00 Ea
Chamomile Tea Sachet 2g Natural 2.00 Ea
Buransh Tea Sachet 2g Natural 2.00 Ea
Himalayan Tulsi Tea Sachet 2g Natural 2.00 Ea
Nettle Tea Sachet 2g Natural 2.00 Ea
Verified By GeeCom: Yes
Seller ID: IN5268
Total Items: 7
Total Packet Count: 50.000 Packet
Price: 140.00 / Packet
Incl. All Taxes: Yes

: 0                     : 373

Packet No.: 1089

Category: Mix Packet

Packet Name: Assorted Tea Sachet Pack( Each Sachet 2g )

Frequency: Daily

Preferred Delivery Window: Any Time 8am to 8pm

Delivery Options: Buyer Paid - Seller Managed

Posted On: 05-Nov-2020 03:26 PM

Distance: 850.65 Km

Address: Almora, Uttarakhand 263636

Seller's Rating:

Comments: Assorted Tea Sachet Pack (Rosemary, Lemon Grass, Thyme, Tulsi, Buransh, Chamomile,Nettle) Delivery duration depends on Buyer's distance and availability of courier services.