: 0 : 1300
All Demands of this Buyer
Demand No: 479236559762
Category: Vegetables
Variety: Data not available
Quality: Fair
Frequency: Daily
Preferred Delivery Window: Any Time 8am to 8pm
Delivery Options: Buyer Paid - Seller Managed
Posted On: 09-Jun-2020 09:26 PM
Distance: 0.00 Km
Address: अनूपपुर, मध्य प्रदेश 484881
Buyer's Rating:
Comments: क्या रेट है अदरक अभी बीज के लिए चाहिए
Incl. All Taxes: No
Incl. All Taxes: Yes
Based on Supplies and Demands Posted in GeeCom platform
Transaction not applicable, please contact 'GeeCom India'.