5L Sanskar Feed - Organic NPK - Vegetative Growth Stage - Geolife NANO Tech

Verified By GeeCom: No
Seller ID: IN1498
Available Quantity: 995 Each(Piece)
Retail Price: 1900 / 1 pc
Discount at GeeCom: 10%
Discount Price:   1,710.00 / 1.00 pc
'GeeCom Saving':   1100.00 / Minimum Order Quantity
Incl. All Taxes: Yes

: 0                     : 531


* 'GeeCom Saving' 1100.00 On minimum order quantity

Supply No: 1203

Category: NANO Technology - Geolife - Organic

Minimum Order Quantity: 5 Each(Piece)

Quality: 5000 ml

Frequency: Daily

Preferred Delivery Window: Any Time 8am to 8pm

Delivery Options: Seller Paid - Seller Managed

Distance: 1.000-3500.000 Km

Available Quantity: 5.000-5.000 pc

Delivery Window: 0Hours - 2Hours

Posted On: 14-Apr-2023 05:02 PM

Distance: 0.05 Km

Address: Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010

Seller's Rating:

Comments: Organic Water Soluble Fertilizer with the highest % of NPK which can be a complete substitute of organic manure & works beer in comparison to chemical WSF.

Technical Name: Organic Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K)

Product Description: Organic water soluble Fertilisers

Model: Fertilizer

Brand: Sanskar Feed

Target Diseases: All crops

Usage: Better and Healthy Growth

Formula: Organic

Composition: Nitrogen (N) 12%, Phosphorus (P) 12 %, Potassium(K) 10%

Dosage: 5 ml per lit of water

Source: Geolife Agritech India Pvt Ltd

Extract: Microbial extract

Purity: 100

Physical State: Liquid

How to Use: Foliar application and Drip

Packaging Type: Bottle

Packaging Size: 5 lit

Color: Brown-Black liquid

Product Link 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XBaZwzJyPU

Product Link 2: https://www.geolifegroup.com/